Elana Lev Friedland
trans Love Song
I was born endemic//to your bedroom//let this tune see us through the next super
blue blood moon//your bag of dicks//my stubborn insistence
on running analytics//you, milk//to my cereal//this sogginess a sensation so unfamiliar
and so saccharine//I want you//to break//the Internet no longer
a substitute//to you. May this be my always//ars poetica: my arse is yours. Always.
Elana Lev Friedland is a writer and performance artist. Their writing appears or is forthcoming in Cartridge Lit, Cosmonauts Avenue, Glass: Poets Resist, The Rumpus, Black Warrior Review, and elsewhere. Find them online at www.elanalevfriedland.com.
Author photo by Seraphim Dibble, Panfocal Photography.