Salt Hill 25

Our 25th issue is full of eye-popping work that catalogs a variety of wonderment: making love on broken riverbanks, disappearing family members at ATM's, and the firing squad-like horrors of working at a bowling alley. This issue includes the 2009 Calvino Prize winning story by Michael Agresta; interviews with Christine Schutt about her writing process and David Shields about his new book Reality Hunger; alarmingly great poetry by the likes of Arlene Ang and Farah Marklevits; drawings by Michael Burkard and diorama photographs by Carlo Van De Roer. SH25 is both a necessary manual for celebrating the darkness of domesticity and the unexpected beauty of tomorrow.
Keith Alexander, Arlene Ang, Ari Banias, Nicole Terez Dutton, B.H. Fairchild, Chris Green, Bob Hicok, Laura Kasischke, Farah Marklevits, Karyna McGlynn, Doug Ramspeck, Luke Reid, Peter Jay Shippy, Eleni Sikelianos, Nate Slawson, Carrie Williams
Michael Agresta, Kim Chinquee, Susan Daitch, Patrick Lawler, Michael Scott Ryan, Julian Zadorozny
Interviews with David Shields and Christine Schutt; chart by Bruce Smith; special contributor survey
Michael Burkard, Chrissy Spallone, Carlo Van De Roer, Wengyuan Xue
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Editors: Ashley Marie Farmer, Nadxieli Nieto Hall