Salt Hill 30 Preview
Salt Hill 30
Salt Hill 30 is a party of old heads and young guns. Like any one of your friends heading towards middle age, we’ve invited everyone we’ve ever loved to celebrate ourselves with us. We’re thinking about lineage. We wonder where we’ve come from and where we’re going. Lydia Davis reminds us that we get decaying potatoes from one uncle and bees-wax and smoke from another, while Dorianne Laux captures the eternal image of watching our mother put on her face. Minnie Bruce Pratt shows us just how far we’ve come, how far there still is to go. Diane Williams insists: “Well, there’s still lust in me.” And Bruce Covey shows us that even swimwear has ancient roots. Lineage is also—and must be— about looking forward, and firsts, and first collections. Sarah C. Harwell, Matthew Salesses, translated work by Zeeshan Sahil. Peter Markus publishes alongside students from Detroit’s InsideOut, while Tetman Callis, a student of Gordon Lish, compels us to find our must fundamental object. Ashley Farmer, Syracuse alumna, shakes the fungal, 80’s dust from the word women(“Fun women out buying guns!”), and CAConrad explains “the way of men all over the world.” Join us in celebrating Salt Hill’s 30th issue—we may ramble about the way things were, but we do so while sprinting blindly into what’s to come.
Michael Bazzett, CAConrad, Bruce Covey, Mi Ditmar, Kaisa Edy, Judson Evans, James Gendron, Sarah C. Harwell, Kirsten Kaschock. Jake Kelly, Christopher Kennedy, Dorianne Laux, Matthew Lippman, Ben Pease, Zeeshan Sahil, Faisal Siddiqui, Gregory Sherl, Benjamin Sutton, J.A. Tyler, Ryan Vine, Jillian Weise, Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Corey Zeller
Tetman Callis, Lydia Davis, Ashley Farmer, Peter Markus, Suzanne Morrison, Briana Rochelle Olson, Matthew Salesses, Mark Vannier, Diane Williams
Nicholas Bohac, Abby Carter, Monica Cook, Josh Keyes, Matt Kish, Don Pablo Pedro, Pat Perry, Colette Saint Yves, Alison VanVolkenburgh
Brian Evenson, Annie Holmes, Minnie Bruce Pratt
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Editors: Annie Liontas and David Wojciechowski