Salt Hill 32

Language is the music of our voices. Words are combined, phrases are born, and rhythms arise from that movement. The works featured in the 32nd issue of Salt Hill are symphonies; they are compositions speaking to us through their percussive hum. Even our cover for this issue sends the liquid col- ors of Miles Davis’ “Pharaoh’s Dance” in the air to reveal patterns of human intellect and emotional cadence.
Bruce Bond opens the issue with his own rhythmic wailing: “When a tree falls in the forest and no one / there seems to listen, it makes the sound / of no one.” And Corey Zeller tells us authoritatively through the choir of his poem, “There’s a rainbow dragging from my mouth...The old men were dancing to Funky Town.” The short arias of Diana Arterian are brought to a crescendo with the help of Julian Norwich who sings “‘Love and dread are brothers.’” Also in these pages, Joshua Harmon lets us listen in on his record collection in his compilation of mix tapes, Georgia A. Popoff’s Timmy plays circus music he found on eBay to conjoined twins, and in our featured interview, we’re graced with a madrigal performed by Mary Karr and George Saunders. Our contributors are dynamic, vibrating, each their own erratic column of color.
This issue we’re making music. Our opera ends not with a fat lady singing but with Spencer Wise who reminds us that “we all have only one killer gift in us.” This is ours. Let us turn up the volume.
Harvey J. Baine, Josh Bell, Brian Bender, Josh Bettinger, Bruce Bond, Jenny Boychuk, Stevie Edwards, Cody Heartz, Sean Patrick Hill, Laurel Hunt, RJ Ingram, Christopher Klingbeil, Jesse Lichtenstein, Brandi Nicole Martin, John McKernan, Jennifer Moore, Brianna Noll, Allyson Paty, Georgia A. Popoff, Dan Rosenberg, Tomaz Salamun, Ryan Patrick Smith, Jane Wong, Jenny Xie, Dean Young, Corey Zeller
John Colasacco, Dinah Cox, Brooks Sterritt, Spencer Wise, Jake Wolff
Diana Arterian, Joshua Harmon, Mary Karr, George Saunders, Magdalena Stone
Jon Fox, Anthony Goicolea, Martin Klimas
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Editors: Ashley Luchinski and Erin J. Mullikin